Tuesday, March 26, 2013


And so it is:

I didnt reach out for this space for so long but in no ways it meant that I didnt miss it. Here is the hard truth, Indian marriages are crazy, putting all the pieces together, but then crazy has always been fun for me :).

- Next month I will be tying my knot. How does it feels?? Well a gamut of feeling all put together. Happy, crazy, mad, whacky, subtle, energetic, high.........and the list goes on.

- Shopping is never an easy task and for a lazy bum like me it is impossible, cuz I am never pepped abt most of the things other girls would be. ):

- What has been going on in my mind...a lot of things...but then after a long time I took time off from my random crazy preparations and sat down reading blogs and realised how much I missed this space. Also there are so many people fighting a cause in there lives, not falling prey to the circumstances and holding on strong. Not mentioning any names but hats off to them.

- Quitting work was not easy, because I miss the madness work life brings in me but then one month more and I am sure I would want this phase of "Chilling Completely"!!

- Life is rolling on, happy moments are ahead and waiting for some fun time. :)