Sunday, December 9, 2012


December!! It is always a reminder that a new year is just around the corner, that the year is about to end and wrap up. Once more the time to make new resolutions to re-look at the good and the bad of the year passed, to smile at the light hearted moments, to relish the happiness to leave past the old and punctured memories, to create something new and exciting in the year to come. 

So what all happened this year:

- As always it starts with a masti wallah note, but then unlike always this time around it started with a heavy heart, there was everything to look forward, yet the mind was flooded with not enough reasons to smile. 

- I joined the family business but then the feeling wasn't one of celebrations, it was just a realization that I was better fitted with all the weirdos of Advertising than all the normal's of the corporate office. That I was more fitted with all the leg pulling, heart churning, intensive reading, always on the look-out for something new wallah spirit, than settling at the routine life of "Dhanda".  Anyway, I continued for a considerable amount of time rolling in the business life.

- Let's begin with the beginning, I finally started blogging, after letting go my old blog. There is something wildly relatable and happy about reading your old blogs, it's like reviving the old memories and seeing how you have grown up, but then there are fresh memories to quote, narrate, relate and it's time to start scribbling here more often. 

- I wanted to make my audience pant with joy to come to this point, but then without anymore drama, I will state and share my happiness, I am glad and happy to anounce that I met somebody and he stole my heart enough to make me cross my heart and spend the rest of my life with him. Happiness, madness and craziness all together. It's a beautiful feeling. 

- New year resolutions, well I have many, but then if I start writting over here I will never implement those, so I will let it be. 

- What will the new year bring to me, well loads of happiness, a lot of celebration times ahead and a lot of exciting things to do. The year I am looking forward to completely.

- What do I want from the new year: Well a year of happy feelings, a year where I spread a lot of happiness around, a year where I start new things personally and professionally and give my best to it, a year where I try different things and live each moment to the completest.

- And as an old saying, to all my fellow bloggers and readers, have a crazy New Year, plan something with your loved one, forgive people if they require forgiveness, think of something new to do, try and experiment with something that you have not yet tried, just at all the moments have reason to make your's and your loved one's smiles more happier one's. Have a great new year ahead and party safe.  :))!!

- And in the end just something my ninth grade teacher had written once to me " Awareness is aliveness, how aware you are is how alive you are", on that note have an awesome year ahead.

- Now put your party shoes on and party wild.!!!